Episode Apr 6, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the “radio voice” phenomenon, bright white hairs on a black sweater, what a show sponsor didn’t know, eschewing blueberries in cheese, how a Peeps diorama contest went off the rails, what’s happened to wood smoke from chimneys in the village, understanding air as an astrological element, the changeability of love, things to be jealous of, clawing at the gate of ardor, a practical approach to romance, the opossum fad, what you didn’t want to know about marsupial pouches, the sad state of song topics, a baffling duck x-ray, picking the right guitar pick, getting excited about recording, getting back to things you used to do well, naming your child Thackery, more fun with a lisp, the darker side of baby talk, finding validity in your repressed memories, faulty dream analysis, deconstructing funny accents, whether or not to send John to pick up an adoptable infant in India, the virtues of the backyard burn pile, the continuing saga of a pact about abstaining from drinking, the inefficiencies of alcohol dependency, tips for creating spiritual clarity, the shrinking size of cell phones, getting away from your wireless devices at night, new developments in microwave weaponry, a couple new products for sand-bagging insomniacs, an interesting mental technique for connecting with helpful, off-planet advisors, a meditation on friends who shoot daily photos of their first cup of coffee - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: The Hillman Hunter [Olen Vasynyt]; Gold Town [Ropeswing].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.