Episode Dec 13, 2019

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the final days of Emily’s 1960s goldenrod drapes, a home improvement project gone awry, what was & was not left on the rug by cats, New Hampshire’s lame symbols of freedom, the origins of pocket lint, virtue signaling with kale, Susan’s recipe for creamed leeks, trying to further identify Tom, how John got rid of books, the photogenic merits of dead cars, what happened at the back entrance to the fancy party, trademarking linguistic quirks, when pleated tweed succumbs to mildew, unfounded fears of peeping tom cows, being hard of hearing at the poetry reading, bad acoustics at the Chelsea town hall, why echoing spaces make people ill at ease, a dreamy rendezvous with Donald Trump, trying to escape from over-zealous gift givers, how to distinguish between body doubles and walk-ins, the truth behind science’s fictions, when your Facebook page spontaneously changes languages, spraying hot coffee grounds all over yourself, a cleaning trick from the Tunbridge Fair, Kristina’s many dates with farriers, an unexpected compliment from Bill, passive-aggressive tourists, staying friends after breakups, falling into a full-on love bombing, whether or not to give someone a kitten, a bag with a real silver lining, spiritualized palm pilots, the barbarism of lead aprons, a glitter ban, Robert’s amazing phone messages - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Michael Jermyn [Suitcase Full of Denial]; Lewis Franco [Desperate Buyers]; Lori Oz [Down at the Chit Chat].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, Five Olde Tavern and Grille, Safeline, Inc. and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.