Episode Jan 17, 2020

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a celebrity texting “near-miss”, what happens when Weezer sits next to you on the airplane, quiet lambs vs. the silence of lambs, myths & facts about brain cell repair, when water goes up, headstand shaming, why we like to be sat on & crushed under heavy blankets, a flailing loaf of bread as baby metaphor, housekeeping tips including shaving sweaters and micro-waving masking tape, novel uses for butter and dental floss, whether or not people can ever get used to being alive, a family heirloom mystery reel-to-reel tape, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, early childhood trainings that create fear, proposed alternative remedies for divorce, small town input at its worst, self Heimlich maneuvering with chairs, the intersection of ear buds and hearing aids, the tiniest melon spoon, stupid accidents and ridiculous visits to the Emergency Room, tricks for making things more manageable, fantastically ordinary but undeniably difficult spelling words, the nuanced logic of color coded extension cords, the inexplicable presence of Readers Digest magazines in all grandmothers’ bathrooms, ongoing confusion between bologna and baloney with possible connections to Emily’s rumored “white trash” upbringing, being freaked out by fruitcake, the old married couple who taunted each other in front of the Orangutan cage at the zoo - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Jennings & McComber [Lay Me Down]; Wagtail [Meet Me When the Sun Goes Down]; Neil Fitzgerald [Reach You].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, Five Olde Tavern and Grille, Safeline, Inc. and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.