Episode Oct 26, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a sheep farmer’s preferences, mystery post-it notes, creating a to-do list hierarchy, some thoughts from the new cashier at the So Ro Market, how rubber boots interact with socks, odd things our pets lick, more on hay furniture & the fate of the leftover mulch hay, farm animals in the house, how baby gates may be related to space travel, needing to know “what’s up there”, when doctor’s probe, unasked for information about Emily’s relationship to suppositories, the art of looking put-together, a deep dive into mitten technology, the purgatory of supervising other people’s children, moonshine parties & their lasting legacy, the proximity effect of train whistles, the return of Ryan, conjecture about tiny piranha, a mother’s paranoia passed down, a clarification regarding the use of leeches in medicine, a miraculous, dream-directed rescue at sea, what to do when you feel afraid, Kendra’s recipe for anxiety reduction, mixing Halloween with Christmas, guidelines for getting yourself a mantra, a disastrous spray foam fail thanks to Pinterest, tiny houses vs. trailers, how Bill jiggled the right wire, reverse snobbery in the Coop parking lot, more gratitude for the amazing skills of generous strangers, cell phone badness, new use for aluminum foil, Le Abduction: The Movie, bringing your personal business into a public space, honoring the fact that you might not like our show, debunking “Namaste” (a little), child trauma related to the nuns in “Madeline”, how Harold’s purple crayon created a weird, two-dimensional void - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: The Highwoods Stringband [You Ain’t Talkin’ to Me]; Sarah Munro and Mark Legrand [Double Wide]; Robert Resnik [Waltz Medley].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Oct 19, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the term “diddly-fart”, the need for a truck, eating candy for breakfast, alternate uses for the name “Chuck”, a metaphor employing leaf blowers & leaf suckers and how they might interact, what happens when you don’t rake the yard, old trees cut down in East Barnard, the heaviness of time, a bogus theory regarding petrified wood, more conclusions about leg hair, reading meaning into the retrograde movements of planets, avoiding “the” big question, having spinach in your teeth, facial anomalies that bring a disturbing element into conversations, flubbing your last guitar chord, a surplus of trumpet parts, a review of inferior metals, protecting yourself from microwaves, giving up your wireless devices, nostalgia for radio waves, a barn party with portable heaters, playing fiddle tunes with Butch, crying at concerts, the disadvantages of having thin skin, the futility of being over-defensive, recovering from a cutting comment, reclaiming your own sense of authority, bringing the project home, lo tech vs. high tech, finding a hidden lining at the Department of Motor Vehicles, state employees who don’t seem to care, an archipelago of scones, taking too many photos of your kids, confusing alliteration on the campaign trail, the laundry pile on the guest bed, feeling defeated by chores, true crime podcasts & solving cold cases with the help of millennials, fun ways to face reality - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Ariel Zevon [Cold Hearted Empath]; Don’t Call Betty [The Gospel Song]; David Carpenter [Cowboy Jig/Teviot Bridge/Connaughtman’s Ramble].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Oct 12, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss people who have issues, calculations for surviving the fallout from blocking someone on Facebook, waiting for grownups to take charge, more evidence of a gothic ghost, stereo-typing “fortune tellers”, the ins and outs of psychic protection, making time to consider mortality, the questionable efficacy of fear evasion strategies such as cheerful singing, how long to wait for science to prove things, what might be holy about moly, the truth behind Vermont law firms, an invitation to John’s campaign kick-off party, a boy named Kiss, options for what to do when your house guest intimates he is a pyromaniac, the quirks of house-sitters, reaching the point of no-return with ripped jeans, a desperate misuse of gummy vitamins, a compassionate yet critical look at vegan extremism, the plague of bad poultry memories, an antidote for tight clothes, a town called Rupert, the oddity of row houses in rural towns, the humiliation of being silently ambushed by a Prius, stuck in traffic in Middlebury with no brakes, a jar of honey from Brown Dog Apiary, a box of license plates from Keith & Tina, the surprising poignancy of finding skipping stones in your pocket, watching the world go by from a bench, Zen times at the retirement facility, Rusty’s diagnosis, taking things personally for all the wrong reasons - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Green Mountain Fever with Rick Davis and Davey Davis [Honky Tonk Highway]; Richard Ruane and Beth Duquette [Two Crows]; Nolan McKelvey & 33 [Northern Lights].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Oct 5, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss being at the helm, bundling up at the museum, finding warmth in the gender neutral bathroom, a mysterious kink in the gas line, blue collar nomenclature, the well-trod path to Kent’s Ledge, the disturbing presence of unidentifiable objects on Google maps, the futile efforts of Emily’s mom to cyber-stalk Bruce Springsteen, ground level surveillance, moving the eighth-graders’ lemonade stand to the Welch’s Hardware open house, keeping up with laundry when your washing machine is broken, nostalgia for doing homework in the Laundromat, the day Starwash died, the unending confusion created by panty hose, the toxic legacy of nail polish, a quirky grammatical habit, when to use “ain’t”, the deep solace of the night train, a Bernie Sanders endorsement, finding yourself in non-compliance with regulations, the search for made-in-the-USA products, a highly acclaimed rubber duck supplier, Billy Twangs #3 Rub, old lady catalogs, how waitressing relates to support hose, not making money as a dance teacher, how Bill saved the day, the dangers of electricity, the dearth of women at auto supply stores, the ins and outs of buying a generator battery, the best way to fix a shitty guitar, an honest look at the manipulative properties of music, guilty feelings that arise from self-focus, refrigeration issues at a cheese event, brilliant signage for the water closet, the poetry of an alpaca’s nose, too many fiber artists, identifying envy - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Ben Reed [Glass]; Lewis Franco [Slapstick Comedy]; Martin van de Vrugt [The sun inside our Head].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Sept 28, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the professional look, casual Friday & how it might or might not apply to sloppy dressers, cleverly avoiding disappointment by force of will, uncovering reptile-like creatures at the highest levels of government, losing electricity in an old farm house, a flower girl photo op, more repercussions from the vegan pizza, sudden onset nut allergies, the hows and whys of Benadryl, a late run to town for ginger ale, the night cashier’s generous gift of Kleenex to a total stranger, the ins and outs of powering blow driers with solar, intrinsic chaos brought on by bridesmaids, weird structural underwear, a strange product for plumping lips, why we pout, perverse products that defy common sense norms, reimagining war paint, what to do with 100 bales of mulch hay, a Pinterest craze for outdoor wedding couches, the lameness of pallet furniture, acquiring knowledge that has no use, a controversial moth ball purchase, the rise of Dupont chemicals, a plague of peppermint oil soaked cotton balls, a plethora of propane technicians, a flood at the historical museum, steeple removal, relief at being surrounded by nice people, reviewing a screw purchase, the world’s worst shoe sale, a “how-to” for successfully transitioning your road kill to the other side, the Bethel state troopers’ alleged secret bone yard, a quick comparison of bark mulches, constructive regurgitation, more on John’s eating habits, the unmitigated transmission of nano particles into human biology, bees-waxing your head, honest questions about the agony of jeans shopping - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Hunter Paye [The Sweat Lodge and the Thief]; Hooligans [Katy Cruel]; Pete Sutherland [The Moon Behind the Hill/The Baltimore].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Sept 21, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a mysterious bucket of candy, an infamous pair of leather chaps, remembering the best muffin, the hazards of eating string cheese while driving, bar code warnings on food, meeting fans at the Fair, the odd fate of becoming a radio host, Theo’s baby, why guys date yoga instructors, figuring out what to wish for, made-to-order peace and harmony, hot kitchens and chicken grease, looking forward to wearing coats, the rigors of Instagram, dueling wedding venues, a proposal for colorful, designer tarps, strange, evocative clothing accessories, spelling adventures in psychopathy, reaching beyond regular narcissism, the beauty of the sycophant, feeling Johnny Cash, going against a shaman’s advice, a look at charisma as a learned or cultivated attribute, the situational aspect of confidence, how to find your authentic self, when your handwriting changes, mutable creativity, John’s amazing calligraphy, the safety & freedom of performing on a stage, push button light switches, the pros and cons of professional cuddling, too much touching, the deeper meaning behind a porpoise rescue, the trashy side of dolphins, surfing with Dick Van Dyke, whether or not chimney sweeps actually crawl into chimneys, being terrorized by resin figure decor, what every little girl wants to be according to Emily, how many marine biologists is too many, a new world of co-creation, tragedy in the whale pod, the worst Zumba meme ever - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Ben Reed [Ode to Jim]; Elric Walker [Mandatory Time]; Laughing Crow [Corrina].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Sept 7, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a mixed bag, more on Twiggy’s legacy, trying to remember what you read, ridiculous & pretentious book titles, being put on the spot, the science of naming your blog, finding words to describe an instrumental, taking for granted the bedrock of your life, more on siding your club house with license plates, an irritating encounter with the L.F. Trottier and Sons box truck, an old diary discovered in Hartland, surprising 19th century descriptors for bad cat behavior, dropsy vs. consumption, the amazing story of Mel and Vickie, Zen and the art of moving wood stoves, alien implants, used stuffed animal issues, unpacking the smell of the ocean, the unique features of transfer stations in tourist towns, how to lift your spirits with irksome chores, people who will take your junk, how life is better than you think it is, Emily’s craft beer aversion/neurosis, the useless cups that go with punch bowls, the unparalleled genius of wooden Scrabble tiles, understandable questions arising from the words “mnemonic” and “pneumatic”, why it might be smart to not spend your grant money right away, getting okay with asking for financial support to pay for art creation, when disappointment arrives via a friend’s husband’s rude comments pertaining to your fundraising efforts, untangling your children’s mixed-up Tunbridge Fair entries - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Richard Ruane & Beth Duquette [The Old Notch Road]; Lori Oz [A Soldier Knows]; Larry Allen Brown [Stories That We Wrote].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio and visit our website at www.11thHourRadio.com. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Aug 31, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss yellow computer glasses, improved visibility in the rain, too many dead cars, two years since the last washing machine repair, the lost allure of Nashville, living in peace, the loathsome first day of school, mold on backpacks, the far reaching smell of vinegar, finding the mouse in the trash, how long to wait for natural decomposition, a lesson in shame, a pre-Christmas review of “Good King Wenceslas, when twin cats are not the same, birthdays after 40, stopping death with mind over matter, twisting fear into protection, garden variety OCD compulsions, the hard way vs. the easy way, hot rock massages, being hurt & traumatized at PT, healthy skepticism regarding chiropractors who use their knees, alternatives to the scalpel, looking at a whole world in likely intellectual submission, rethinking train safety, looking for Mr. Rogers and his helpers, creating a Wikipedia page for Emily, more confusion about Mars going retrograde, ongoing issues with certain cartoon characters, people who never laugh, amazing things that babies do, food as a tool for mediation, the hidden history of Vermont pizza, how many dysfunctional wood stoves is too many, building “catios”, using a banana peel to extend the life of your fly strip, further ideas about grass cutting as a way to spiritual enlightenment - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Robert Bryant [Farther on Down the Line]; Rick Ceballos [Last Day of Autumn]; Spencer Lewis [Dreams].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio and visit our website at www.11thHourRadio.com. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Aug 24, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a hair malfunction, the relative merits of candy corn, mysterious horehound, the unending saga of John’s steering column, salad bar dangers, cleaning the house under duress, what muffins go through, a new, hipster way to age whiskey, how to simulate the rocking motion of wagon trains, a crime wave utilizing candy bars, a whole chart on how to spell the alphabet, the umlaut controversy, feeling naïve, the decision to chew spruce gum, the joys of watching a long freight train, thinking ahead how to save your children, “Ice Cream & Delicious Entrees, why we eat desert last, a plethora of birthday parties, sleeping in tents in the barn, an amazing Nerf attack, late night antler carving, an encounter between Earl and the town vegan, great deals at Mary’s thrift shop, finally meeting your long time Facebook friends in person, a meeting of Jims, flooded out by beavers, in search of Reading Pond, when you don’t have a truck, how to improve the frequency of your flossing, fresh man sweat, the subtle and not so subtle differences between animal manures, options for learning to surf in Vermont, when cats create drama, origins of the term “good news”, confusion about a foiled Mormon takeover - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Wagtail [Meet Me When The Sun Goes Down]; Terry Lee Hale [The Lowdown]; Green Mountain Fever with Davey Davis and Rick Davis [Wild Daisy].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Aug 17, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a mix-up with microphones, what’s not to like about camping, older men and belt positioning, paunch as power center, changing attitudes towards wearing black, what’s up with accessorizing, more on Shakespearean insults, judicious use of a codpiece, the application of trimesters to an hour, waistline stress, the joys of being a Staples Rewards card holder, losing part of your thumb, alarming lava lamp behavior, going to sleep on squeaky air mattresses, asceticism as it relates to beating futons with a broom, snipping grass for relaxation, train horn analysis, multi-faceted qualms about mushrooms, the existence of faith inside and outside of churches, rampant pedophilia amongst the priesthood, looking for a leaderless congregation, the magic of having trees in the house, the cucumbers behind certain visits to the emergency room, rubbing vegetables together, an inappropriate use of gherkins, strange spellings that defy the imagination, famous authors’ poetic musings upon girth, the unfortunate theft of John’s telephone pen, a great antidote for overuse of the word phallic, rubber booties, Will’s Store and the rebirth of chivalry, how hard to try to talk to shy cashiers, returning home to dead horses, startling statistics on the frequency of fly regurgitation - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Bob Kinzel [Understand You]; Davey Davis [Chocolate]; Deborah Langstaff [Almond Tree].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio and visit our website at www.11thHourRadio.com. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Aug 10, 2018

This special edition features “best of” moments from the first season of 11th Hour Radio (2014) in which co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss repeated sightings of the Schwan’s truck, the perils of substitute teaching math when you’ve forgotten most of it, getting satisfaction from peg boards, gratitude for algebraic letters, an unfortunate meeting of delicate craftsmanship & clumsy stage hands, realizing that it is all your fault, the futility of getting upset in front of other people, releasing frustration constructively, a trick involving potatoes, a mysterious dearth of warts, confusion about “Preparation H”, a justification for advertising that falls on deaf ears, the ins and outs of conscious uncoupling, stubble vs. leg hair, securing vino via vending machine, frou frou wine bars, how to deal with insufferable chit chat, trying to get your brother’s attention, what to do with the swearing impulse, swimming in ignorance, an argument about the color beige, the puzzle of suppressed anger, a change of heart from a very grouchy nursing home resident, dancing with dreadlocks, being so mad you can’t sleep, the agony of being stone-walled, fate taking care of things, creative collaboration as therapy, the odd premise of the squashed fairies book, appreciating your landscaper, the dangers of kissing anyone in a public school, the exhaustion of trauma, secrets for repelling plaque with an ionizing toothbrush, deadheading pansies - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Paul Asbell [Blue Driver]; Mark Struhsacker [Evening]; Lizzy Mandel [This Old House].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Aug 3, 2018

This special edition features “best of” moments from the first season of 11th Hour Radio (2013-14) in which co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a surplus of spittle, how laziness led to the creation of the show, the influence of third graders on adult vocabulary, a mix-up concerning the Statue of Liberty, whether or not bees have organs, a failed attempt to imagine time travel, guerilla word shortening, “Bossy Johnson” syndrome, drooling as a weapon, tickling as torture, using your sisters as subjects for cruel experiments, things to do with buckets, ropes and pulleys, lonely children who befriend trees, the awful truth about being in a hurry at the grocery store, living with purpose, feeling more attractive sans mirrors, the world in a hundred years, Emily’s bizarre alternative to beat boxing, being the only one in your family who doesn’t play an instrument, blowing on your fingernails, more on mammals giving birth, more on Jen giving birth, going elbow deep in placenta, the cross-dressing farmers we know, overhearing phone therapy on the party line, prank calls from celebrities, post-traumatic phone harassment disorder, struggling to tell time from a clock with hands, faking the numbers at town meeting, strange doings at Santa’s land, a contaminated motel, unpacking the term: “trailer trash”, a scientific explanation for the magical properties of Icelandic spar, a possible escape to join Pussy Riot, new uses for the toilet paper tube, twerking at the nursing home - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Kristina Stykos [Jeffrey Lee]; Doug Perkins [Three Little Jigs]; The Cousins Project with Steve Mayone [Safe Passage].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jul 27, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the merits of various head sizes, how to be blond but not that kind of blond, a very odd coincidence created by two couples named “Ryan and Kim”, a lunar eclipse and letting go of old belief systems, eschewing Chinese astrology, what Grandma’s fortune cookie said, attacks on Grampy in the nursing home, looking for a pristine mansion to rent by the day, another unexpected technical glitch at the RCR studios, how an unfortunate power surge led to a bouncy house deflation, what to do with old magazines, impulse shopping at Twin City Typewriter, writing a book on index cards, alternative nomenclature for the outside of your elbow, wasting a perfectly good fire, more on pushy tourists arriving at closing time, enthusiastic nose pickers, a Reluctant Dragon event, a case of digital dementia, simplifying the ascension process, things that sisters text to each other, the art of casually mentioning celebrities, a white bread guy called Paul, the scars of T-ball humiliation, an incoming lodging request from Leonard, Emily & Abe the dog’s bonding over thunder phobia, the horrors of indoor toilets, keeping John away from the thrift store, Dorito-crazy ducks on the beach, constructing a feather cape, a theory of disclosure in which the president is found to be a hybrid extraterrestrial, a mysterious turkey sighting in downtown Montpelier - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Bow Thayer and the Holy Plow [Allston Brighton]; Davey Davis [Aberdigeree Swamp Dream]; Gold Town [Early Morning Blues].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jul 20, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss guys, pre-dawn lawn mowing, “ghetto paddock”, the impact of poorly thought-out signs, a mistaken dead horse, changes at Uncle Welch’s, the many defects of miniature equines, coveting Mert Vesper’s collie, a lingering Lassie fascination, a brief analysis of Little Timmy’s problems, preventing cat throw-up with butter, Emily’s ongoing disdain for people who watch smarty pants artsy films, wanting to have another child, crawling to the bottom, some thoughts on the name Debby, an imagined scenario in which a rotund train conductor makes unwanted contact with Kristina, pre-guest housework inertia, the questionable technology of sponge mops, confusion about myriad cleaning apparatus, guilt associated with destroying spider webs, issues with the word “gubernatorial”, forgetting your shoes, the biggest problem in the whole world, sub-categories of gossip, the best use of confidantes, keeping your finger on the pulse, naturally distressed jeans, an update on the local Schwann’s truck, strange spicy sausage balls, the power of early morning sunlight on the grass, emotional connections to childhood, the fifth dimension, convincing yourself to relax, the story of song order, the joys of depressing music, planning for more drumming to uplift the spirit, the ways and means of making our show - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: The Stephen Wentworth Band [Bootleg Whiskey]; Neal Massa [Cute]; Linda Warnaar [Daya].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio and visit our website at www.11thHourRadio.com. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jul 13, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a disturbing hat, confusion over a magpie named Penguin, winning the draftiest house lottery, how John prepared for an energy audit, a successful dumpster diving episode, the ongoing saga of too many broken lamps, dealing with wedding trash, refuse as metaphor, finding ancient skis, a very problematic dog show outcome, an argument about pie, keeping your soap in a jar, hiding your poetry, listener ideas for sub-titling the show, the unfortunate intersection of museum tours and personal gas, the disappointments of space coverage, the hows and whys of alien fetish, pinpointing your solar eclipse identity, setting spiritual goals, when chairs are too hard, managing the urge to google, salmon vs. shamans, the history of coat hangers, the possibility of indigenous Catholics, the role wasps play in the formation of figs, music as pest control, density and deafness as it relates to the human race, a special oracle app, how French feels in your mouth, concealing the location of your secret swimming hole, expanding your consciousness with Fruit Loops, classic crackers, a brief analysis of machine made food, a proposal for making Flamenco dancing mandatory for all little girls, slowing down with books, discovering one of your favorite tomes in hardback, Eli’s vintage skateboard purchases - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Robert Resnik [Twa Corbies]; Pete Sutherland [In the Country of the Iroquois]; Muskelunge with Nolan McKelvey [Sittin’ On The Front Porch].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio and visit our website at www.11thHourRadio.com. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jul 6, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss what a sincere thank you might sound like, how physiology can precipitate a waning interest in headstands, what it means to be limber, a failed trip to town, stripped bolts & over-tightened lug nuts, how your spouse’s denial can cause car damage, another unconventional use for the butt end of an axe, childish longing for a limp, a crutch or a cast, passing up an invitation to live for free in Puerto Rico, water immersion therapy, more on the flight attendant/stewardess controversy, the truth about chocolate bars & summer, what to do with a husband hoarder, imagining new out-buildings to deal with clutter, the stress of screaming at your children, behind the scenes as John arrives two and a half hours late to a three hour long party, when your mere presence morphs into an imposition, celebrities who claim to be “too busy”, planning for a dog chapel, the ins and outs of starting your own pet cemetery, when poop is too large, catching up with Twin City Typewriter, a creepy Facebook patent, the dangers of shopping for petticoats at an online sex fetish emporium, when no one touches you, paying for human contact, stripping down for the parade, hot clogging on the float, being nude in private, the humiliation of developing boobs, the crux of self acceptance, shedding clothes for money, a recipe for three bean salad, the crispness of cukes, a rational explanation for Todd’s poor shoe choice - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Val McCallum [My Other Shoe]; Robert Bryant [Moonwoman Blues]; Brown Trout and the Lunkers with Davey Davis and Rick Davis [Honor Thy Fly].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jun 29, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss guerilla armpit washing, the psychology behind refusing to wear shorts, ins and outs of dog castration, John’s midnight rendezvous with Brock, more complications while camping, the saga of the chirping smoke detector, a children’s book-of-month club, being hard pressed to fulfill life’s menial demands, the fate of the “go-to” person, putting stuff in your basement, a jam vs. jelly shoot out, the long-standing debate over killing animals for food, hunting the sacred pools for trout, whether or not ducks have teeth, a special clogging move called “snake bite”, a deeper dive into neutrino behavior, things you didn’t know about the speed of light, love prep between snails, annoying sound effects that should not be there, tips for humiliating a gastropod, a friendly argument about space colonization, more hating on nerdy science programs, a revelation about Doritos and catching stuff on fire, demystifying throw pillows, a penetrating look at what it means to have an “afflicted moon”, ordering firewood by post card, friends who live in tents, teenager brain unpacked, being targeted as a middle aged woman, ongoing paranoia about flabby stomachs, a house-cleaning trade off, a visit from the 11th Hour Radio mascot and woodsman - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Bow Thayer & the Perfect Train Wreck [Snake Bite]; Chris Kleeman and Malkum Gibson [Write Me A Few Of Your Lines/Kokomo Blues]; The Cousins Project with Steve Mayone & Kristina Stykos [South of the Chelsea Line].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio and visit our website at www.11thHourRadio.com. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jun 22, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss dickering, the last known location of Brocklebank Brewery, more mystery driveways, a snapped brake line, the continuing saga of excessive car repair, why it’s hard to move, trying not to worry, how the family dogs came to be pepper-sprayed, an ice cream for Brock the mastiff, a disparaging closer look at Milk Bones, impaired breathing with mosquito netting head gear, a new use for cat blood, the difference between Danny & Dave, driving mice, more fantasies about the Pierre Motel, mice who eat soap, a safe place for pigs, the moral dilemma presented by animal crackers, hating on ginger bread men, lies about Winnie the Pooh, plans to curb John’s book-saving, a nebulous nebula, the invisible flutist revealed, disagreements between birds, what happened to the boy whose salon styled dreadlocks set Emily’s heart on fire, how what goes around came around to the criminal prosecutor, being perplexed as to the status of your virginity, which is worse clowns or a clown car, questioning slapstick, loving on Buster Keaton, 50s houses with bars, childhood memories of the basement, the perils of writing a long letter, psychic rapport between radio co-hosts, losing and forgetting stuff, trying to get to Peacham bog (again), naming places after the devil, passive-aggressive park rangers, fear of missing lady slipper season, rain as a napping aid, one fantastic wedding rap - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Brown Trout and the Lunkers with Davey Davis and Rick Davis [Walleye Alley]; Rick Ceballos [Garden Lullaby]; Patrick Ross and Aaron Johnson [Flintlock].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jun 15, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss summer fires, seven hours of mowing, men & wedding readiness, more inappropriate remarks at the museum, a new variation on poop from little Joseph, wielding the power of bad words, the incongruity of a Snapple banner, mini-dumpsters, not recognizing people, the bad energy of chain link enclosures, aesthetic solutions to fencing, judging people by the color of their truck, the aura of the unmarked police car, unpacking the “mystery driveway” game, how the four directions upset Emily, a redesign for compasses, making peonies live longer, confusion concerning the word “promulgate”, the catch-22 of used car ownership, applying crystal consciousness to vehicle repair, when is “too much” loyalty, another back road mistake, the sad state of one particular Christmas tree farm, multi-national corporate control of Gazetteers, relaxing on the couch with maps, a revelation about the Old Tunbridge Road, imagining a Barbie Tarot, confusing gypsy garb with German dirdls, what is wrong with today’s coat hangers, what to use to reattach mufflers, how his unreliable car put John in a bind, emergency tick removal, an update on Tom’s (not his real name) waving episode, social engineering & profiteering, a shout out to nice fathers, the unfairness & thankless aspects of step-parenting, lack of legal rights after divorce, inequities that plague family court, being beaten down by the system as personal growth, a bird nest in the rose bush, grumpy cashiers - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Kristina Stykos [Dirt is the Color]; Steve Mayone [What Good]; Will Patton [Cheesecake].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jun 8, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss Victorian hair styles, unwanted remarks by hipsters, the successful adoption of Kiki, a true story of how Kristina came to be known as “Dirty Rachel”, choosing the wrong clothing for work, when tiny summer dresses lead to hallucinations, the pros and cons of complaining, why upholstered chairs get left out in the rain, how many Sharpies is too many, keeping John up at night for no good reason, a dearth of closets, the sudden appearance of fossilized cat throw up, sobbing your way back to health, the moral superiority of early rising, searching for a fix of excitement, the last day of school, lingering self doubt, dark chocolate dip as a metaphor, great words that start with P, an update on the continuing quest for a feather shirt, more on cultural appropriation as it relates to style, a novel approach to playing “Indian” using panty hose, cases in which birds fall out of nests, the dangers of too much cologne or perfume, a premature fledging, the ins and outs of untangling a baby fawn from a fence, more misinformation about wildlife, a problematic middle-of-the-night notification in which Tom (not his real name) “waves”, trying to balance spousal communication on Facebook, the pitfalls of misinterpreting electronic hand signals, the new habitual doling out of symbols and abbreviations having to do with love, a slow, painful death to the word formerly known as “trump” - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Libby Kirkpatrick [Run]; Brown Trout and the Lunkers featuring Davey and Rick Davis [Lamprey Love]; Peter Puma Hedlund [Bohlins brudpolska].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective, Rivendell Restoration and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.