Episode Mar 30, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss metal preferences, being poisoned by dentistry, why Kristina can’t smile anymore, the longest needle, the dilemma of the Carolines, another Todd-driven sponsorship, a local restaurant’s gussied-up woodchuck, the dangers of using flimsy jacks to change a tire, springtime road conditions that discourage business, coconut oil hair-doing, what’s inside a dreadlock, an idea about vegetarian leather pants, raising a nice cow but not getting too close, new reasons to commune with nature, remembering the kindergarten circus (again), the infamous panty hose elephant, another obscure pop culture reference from the ‘80s, collecting hand-me-downs, a repeated disappointment for the man with the name which is a fruit, blocking nasty commenters & “ne’er-do-wells”, getting in a snit about de-friending and re-friending, thumb-winging on Instagram, deconstructing a Creemee selfie, the travels of a lone wasp, half-assing birthdays as your kids age, a new source for cactus, the effrontery of selling moss, looking for a baseball cap at Walmart, disorientation at the food coop, whether or not to leave your cart when you’re shopping, getting down on vegetables, a positive review for oat groats, a sign from the gods a la Fruit Loops, Emily’s incredibly embarrassing faux pas, a warning about shaving cream and egg dye, questioning animal cremation - and so much more!  

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Ariel Zevon [My Fickle Heart]; Carl Goulet [Jesus, Me and Whiskey]; Elric Walker [Beneath Green Boughs]. 

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series. 

Episode Mar 23, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss incredulous disbelief, the amazing power of purple, being stabbed by an eye makeup brush, the unfortunate incident at the gas station bathroom circa Thursday, a tried and “true blue” shooting target, knowing nothing about guns, relieving stress with Play Doh, a dildo for the holidays, finding middle ground on Facebook, denture advertising in Vermont, nagging cheese issues, the hardiness of goats, more car names for lambs, new troubles for dirndl wearers, the latest in cow plop bingo, music for “ice out”, doubling up on vowels, a useless term from the financial industry, a boy and two planets on either end of the moon spike, the shame & devastation of being penalized by the postal service, throwing your actual feelings at people, self induced guilt feelings that have no basis in reality, groveling in front of child support professionals, stupid side effects from divorce, self soothing with chocolate products, encountering a typically nice canine at Small Dog, making the step to PG-13, the trauma of drama, the nine lives of Timmy, whether or not your dog can help you, a questionable farm store implant, defining your relationship to water, poetry problems, raw inspiration vs. the edited version, a quote about suffering from Tom Waits, obscuring the world with fancy words, looking for a response from Terry Gross about the overuse of a common phrase, adding more to “thank-you”, confusion re: the hipster fedora craze of 2008 - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Patrick Ross [Ice Out]; Val McCallum [Over My Head]; Mary McGinniss [Girl Singer].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Mar 16, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the power of Hall’s Menthol lozenges, when and when not to talk about your farm animals, an update on how Jim has matured, a breakdown of salt and pepper, more on spilling tea on gear, the uselessness of radio call letters, ambiguous reports on snow amounts, when to cut a tree, avalanches we didn’t expect, Pam Polston at the pulpit, experiments to prove that people are like sheep, Kristina’s mom’s dream to be an arctic explorer, the cost of exploration, a challenge to Emily’s claim about tea cup Poodles, the moral superiority of mutts, the differences between our dads, what to do with inherited baggage, a fierce disagreement over muesli, sleeping in a hooded sweatshirt, threats delivered under the guise of spirit, living in a college town, a plan to finally penetrate the secret mausoleum, dreaming about an arranged marriage, a joint persecution complex, sliding off the road with John, the rights and wrongs of conspiracy theories, a new problem with scientific evidence, studying the history of the C.I.A., making your haircut worse, missing out on popular culture, a proposal for martial arts with cats, how not to blow up your car, discovering run-flat tires, the loss of dinky cars, groomed ski trails at the fairgrounds, using car names to label your lambs, things that start as larvae - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Robert Resnik [Mary Neal]; Robert Bryant [Money, Money, Money]; Steve Mayone [Letting You Go].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Mar 9, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a jester’s hat, lack of search engine visibility, makeshift javelins and a broomstick incident, the hows and whys of volunteering for a job at the Fire Department, a small nose fracture, going for a deeper answer to the question: “how are you?”, tricks for writing about things that aren’t interesting, parsing the difference between sharing and manipulating, a long-standing eyebrow dilemma, a revelation about electrolysis, engaging in frivolous research, discovering online karaoke, hidden singing, a word created by Frank Mankiewicz, the truth behind rainmakers, getting disciplined for inappropriate Youtube Superchat behavior, the old fashioned telephone request line, an unexpected visit from Duff, an early suburban neighborhood in small town Vermont, a nymph with a snow bodice, clarifying the price of organic avocados, the problem with fruit in paper bags, an astrological solution to kitchen disorganization, the futile longing to switch town meetings, nurturing the Electrolux connection, a reflection on plastic and Teflon, whether or not snow has gotten slipperier and why, more on the great maple syrup heist, a hanging offense, neutral attention without judgment as a way of healing trauma, the fear of talking about nightmares - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Turnip Truck [The Devil Ain’t Lazy]; The Stephen Wentworth Band [Cold at Night]; Keith Murphy [Clamanda].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Mar 2, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss coming down off the hill in first gear, skiing with unhappy, whiney kids, doing cool things when no one’s looking, a life of journaling, dealing with short attention spans, snubbing the road crew, an update on the four boxes of cookies, making a huge mistake with cow colostrum, a new kind of abusive relationship, boys who think they need jacked-up trucks, a lost wallet in Hawaii, an almost forgotten tale of spilled milk, Butch’s enlightened idea for beverage-less meals, the staying power of cheese, several alternate names for the full moon, surprising misinformation about birds, a squirrel with a puppy-dog face, corn cob ferris wheels, getting paid for being yourself, a world without money, a new app that creates a profound effect, sending smells over the internet, the power of sound to motivate, how some people stumble into their profession, the deeper meaning of being a quitter, being fast on your toes, an ill-fated search for a florist, confusing the Legare and Lepage farms, where John buys his Tupperware, the plastic flowers dilemma, the nuances of taking stickers off your fruit, seller’s remorse, a mud season taxi service, ongoing repercussions of low self esteem, more on sleeping with sheep, a meditation on concealed death at the nursing home, on-tour with lambs, a timely poem about coltsfoot, the difficulty of describing flowers, savoring the smell of pine sap, taking another look at time travel, the science of coercion, apparent diminishing mentality amongst fellow-citizens - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Ariel Zevon [Holy Planet]; Breath of the Devil [Bellatrix]; South of the Chelsea Line [The Cousins Project].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Feb 23, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss lint pills, an eye makeup crisis, identifying the Vermont tumbleweed, #nobodysdoll, ongoing baby name competitions, the wonders of Old Dickerman, choosing between dog and Doug, the robot vs. bot dilemma, more details you didn’t want to know on how flies lay eggs, the ins and outs of seediness, exciting changes in Barre, stuff about midget strippers, marginalizing the already marginalized, ongoing confusion about the Hardrock Café, an embarrassing revelation about your friends’ sex lives, a fascinating national average, sexual harassment at the middle school dance, why men should not ride English, remembering a football player who cried, the amazing spelling of “derring do”, a little used word for deep meditation, saved again by extension cords, being manhandled by girls, how to know when to step in, black light dances, the ridiculous nightmare of split custody parenting, over-reacting to things, questioning the validity of a hormonal rant, new uses for the Barbie Dream House mattress, a day off from long underwear, getting free cookies in the mail, a disagreement about Hermits, replacing the old ram with a fresh one, an amazing Romney birth, the worst band name of the week, more on Freud and excrement, the mysterious transmissions of intuition, if spiders were as big as cats, why we feel guilty taking our kids out of school, dealing with shamers, struggling with dipsticks, being casual with clients - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Andre Souligny [Old Feeling]; Goldtown [Rutland]; Doug Perkins [Chorundum].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Feb 16, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the last pair of headphones, a Ziploc gift, the stupidity of rating and grading, dissecting the term “douche-bag”, an update on what’s in the freezer, how the living ghost of Emily has come to visit Kristina, what the front end loader did, perfect looking couples, the most handsome man in Vermont, torture-by-typo, mother hen style editing, in search of the mystical refresh button, a little wisdom from Anne of Green Gables, where modesty veers into crippling self censure, recording your first album at 60, form as energy, a new food-related design for iPads, growing up with a paranoid mother, a proposal for “reverse” Valentine’s Day, furniture painting with Fritz, more misinformation on tarot cards, watching astrologers on YouTube, imagining an alien abduction including the taking of core samples, the joys of photographic composition, John’s latest fake-out, shaming your husband for his relationship with his mother, another subtle put-down of curly hair, how much to trust your high school science teacher, motivational bribery, the bizarre basis of attraction, watching relationships tank on Facebook, using candy to entrap, a boring trope about loving yourself, unpacking the failures of barfly romance, how to settle down and get your work done, a tale of six choreographies, losing your will to cook meals - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Steve Mayone [Deeper in the Well]; Robert Bryant [Farther on Down the Line]; Davey Davis [Maria Lopez].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Feb 9, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss getting used to new software, hats with ears, whispering into a microphone, more on the Howe family rope tow, the difference between grips and riggers, a complex situation concerning cough drops, confusion about the plant “horehound”, the useless efficacy of alternate cuss words, Emily’s condescending views on Kristina’s not eating eggs, a breakdown on rolled oats, instant oats and steel cut oats, an ass-saving shout-out, an argument for informed vaccination choice, a chicken pox party, sporting the Steve Bannon look, a beautiful bridge, joining the texting nation, a bi-coastal songwriting exercise, remembering a star-studded dinner with Pelligrino water, queen-for-a-dinner, a wine tasting women’s retreat, questions about spitting, making good use of the gaps in your teeth, the importance of consonants, an epic bad set of Scrabble letters, smug winners, the new feminist erotica, National Pizza Week, Grandpa’s views on teenagers and pornography, acting out learned aggression, the shame of physical pleasure, uncovering the real Michael Jackson, living off your credit card, being unable to make ends meet, an unexpected encounter with an upside down bucket of feed grain, a mantra for winter depression, the unintended psychological benefits of bad weather, the infectious joy of a true snow day, pre-dawn farm chores, hoping for a house lamb, potty training farm animals, Kendra’s worries about self abuse, tough love vs. gentle encouragement, running on empty - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Ariel Zevon [Je Maintiendrai]; Grayson [Giving Up On Giving Up]; Nick Cowles [Dark Door of Loneliness].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Feb 2, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss sexy voices, why we shouldn’t whisper, talking to sheep, how to name things, arbitrary use of the word “up”, a shout out to watersheds, a very special sweet potato farm, legacy bookmarks, an amazing eclipse day, erratic mice, how to destroy you teeth with lemons & rocks, a joke for the dentist, Emily’s depth perception issues, cotton brain, the persecution of ground hogs on Ground Hog day, unscrewing your emotional faucet, a huge lunchtime disappointment, what to do when there is sand in your food, a couple nice endings, Dave’s tear-jerker message to Kristina, taking Saturn seriously, liberal attitudes towards grocery shopping, making the most of food, children who don’t eat, human barbie dolls, the synchronicity of muzak, the wrong way to think about losing weight due to sickness, getting to the gig and realizing you have forgotten your instruments, looking cool onstage, witnessing the spectacle of Butch roller skating in his long johns, defining the stereo-typical roller derby female, the good fortunes of a laughing father, growing up sort of deranged, analyzing a strange, complex compliment, separating the growth out of the opinion, the impact of being referred to as “ugly”, long standing effects of being bullied in high school, weathering the years with a cute sister, a mystery call from Butler, PA - and so much more!  

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Val McCallum [Deal With It]; Rick Ceballos [Home with the Girls in the Morning/Tamlin/Home Ruler]; Carl Goulet [Prisoner of Conscience]. 

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series. 

Episode Jan 26, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss hormones & happiness, “Is there life after I.U.D. removal?”, the indignities of blood work, hanging out with baby sloths, lard as skin cream, what happened to your peanut butter jar, John’s elevation to savior status, sobbing uncontrollably, the Adam & Eve effect, Emily as receptacle of domestic knowledge, the history of “me”, remembering that it is that beautiful, ditching your band, a proposal to improve the federal tax system via check boxes, a sad commentary on those who unknowingly fight for the agendas of rich, privileged people, why it shouldn’t be so hard to be nice, sounding terrible until you sound good, natural censorship between parents & children, Kristina’s mother & the skinny-dipping incident, age limits for going naked, the horrors of listening to ourselves talk to our pets, a contemplation on the smell of canned cat food, dealing with turd creation more efficiently, tips on how to pluck a ruffed grouse, a questionable online purchase, making sure people who die actually go, a quick analysis of Todd’s overalls, the inside scoop on hardanger fiddles & nyckelharpas, an elementary school Iron Chef, picking a favorite planet, straightening out astrology, being stumped by poinsettias, a practical look at Armageddon, the hows and whys of the insert button in Microsoft word, pondering wild dogs, continuing adventures on Myra’s driveway - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: David Carpenter [Pay De Haut/Gal With A Blue Dress/Pointe Au Pic]; Mark LeGrand & Sarah Munro [Double Wide]; Nolan McKelvey [Starry Eyed and Blue].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.


Episode Jan 19, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss spilled tea, a pending government shut down, how to find an Apple podcast, searching for the correct response to “What’s Up?”, confusion about the Squirrel Nut Zippers, another bad spoken lyric, Kristina’s missing decades of popular culture, being soiled, alleged problems with the word “moist”, more on goat yoga, a case of abused reindeer, jumbo slides, cheese as a substitute for ice cream sandwiches, what keeps us young, an important handful of people, the church of the woods, an unconventional Jewish temple, what to do with your gum, a classic band rehearsal, killing time in a Montana motel room, a dream about gigantic vocal cords, unsubstantiated worries about Rusty, giving more credit to the subconscious, why farmers shear their sheep’s stomachs at lambing time, a new pair of raspberry colored roller skates, chasing children on skis, an amazing gynecologist, the perils of unloading on your doctor, a new model for hospital johnnies, what it feels like to have your clothes taken away, an update on Black Goo, charm vs. magnetism, ageless cool, a new online tool for pronunciations, Kendra as “designated fact checker”, facials by Eros, rationalizing the use of makeup, a hereditary inability to gossip with impunity, accepting other people’s faulty perceptions of you, researching the universe, more conjecture about the grease that fuels Todd’s car, going for the full monty - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Hooligans [If I Had a Mind To]; Elric Walker [Odd Man Out]; Hillman Hunter with Risto Saarinen [Ikava].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jan 12, 2017

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss technical backflips, being heard, fog on the road, a happy tale about a fly, eschewing monk’s robes, a Hells Angels campground, to swat or not to swat, sporting a ball cap, enormous heads, looking good from the shoulders up, a channel surfing fail in the car, the backstory on Caesareans, a new gardening tool, the baby sleeping in a walnut shell, Emily’s inner bimbo, going behind the scenes with “secret grandmother”, how to put an Italian doctor in his place, coming to terms with the way bats hang, the problem with shooting yoga poses, why skating partners fight, the human-airplane-game cure for depression, planning a junk food sleepover, booking a bluegrass band, communicating with a gender-free Eros, scheduling a last minute facial, an annoying masseuse, more uses for hot rocks, a historical look at muesli, different kind of nuts, long lasting damage from monkey bars, trying to pinpoint the dawn of health food, pasta deprived states, never ending car repairs, a story from the waiting room, looking for fun in Barre, staring into space as a dying art, a blow by blow look at I.U.D. removal, bringing humanity into doctors’ offices, a barcalounger for every woman, the evils of hand sanitizer, questionable words from the Urban Dictionary, a new twist on tree huggers, amethyst as a guard against drunkenness - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Gold Town [Workingman’s Dawn]; Bellatrix with Patti Casey, Susannah Blachly & Kristina Stykos [Breath of the Devil]; Peter Hedlund [Petter i Alas polska].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio and visit our website at www.11thHourRadio.com. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Jan 5, 2018

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a curse word work-a-round, a walnut shell baby, peppermint cyclone bombs, a blizzard named Jim, no love lost for crayfish, an unidentified crispy thing, the lonely carcass of a spent Christmas tree, a little empathy for hornets, chronically pent-up syndrome, opening a new chapter at the blood bank, feeling guilty about everything, assuming everyone is judging you, anti-resolutions, eating free cookies with abandon, liberating your inner happy, the idiocy of “perfect body weight”, one dance teacher’s dilemma, the truth about snow pants, inheriting your mother’s computer, bare vs. bear, the perils of typing too fast, an argument about the word “squiffy”, Facebook’s social engineering & advertising manipulations, considering the accuracy of conspiracy theories, a fascinating look at the poker term “running good”, an unfortunate conflation of the Holy Eucharist with the card game Euchre, several ways to shoot the moon, what it’s called when your scalp crinkles, the approach of lambing time & an explanation of what it means to “make udders”, what might happen to a nursing mother at the grocery store, sponge bras, “hot chocolating” as a verb, a strange exodus across the parking lot, a story of septic gas, an aversion to sauerkraut, revisiting Emily’s “how” problem, a place for mindless music, more on cat grooming rituals - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Patrick Ross [Soldiers Joy]; Nolan McKelvey [All We Ever Needed]; Pete’s Posse [Road to Germany]; Grayson [Winter].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Dec 29, 2017

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a common misuse of the word “thaw”, certain types of unbridled paranoia, the ongoing saga of the lava lamp, some unwanted side effects from vacuuming, dealing with frozen water buckets, the unexpected strength of John, slow feed hay nets from the Hay Chix, being filled with the sustenance of life, a platitude for 2018, one more lame excuse for eating meat, feeling vindictive towards chickens, a special Bic pen collection, what constitutes a dead town vs. a thriving one, a spate of terrifying low temperatures, bugs that stick to stuff, Emily’s use of the word “Christmas” as a verb, power tools as gifts, a surprise of secret pants, kewpie doll shadow boxes, a hardware store return, the most unoriginal present, a novel use for bubble wrap, an in-depth look at “Snarky Puppy”, what scares us, disruption of the normal, being a human magnet for abuse, a heart-breaking dream of forgiveness, touchstones for the heart, superiority as a form of self hatred, how you feel when your kid gets his first chain saw, a bridge to the fifth dimension, embracing your own inner authority, the speed of semen on a good day, the hazards of turning on an oil furnace, a slacker curator, farmhouse winter air flow issues, relating to the incredible adversities faced by pioneers, another guided visualization with manatees, the dumbness of Florida, applying for a job with the John Lennon Educational Bus, how to meet history lovers, a random events generator, getting unconfused about apps - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Kristina Stykos [Forgiveness]; The Hillman Hunter with Risto Saarinen [Star Trek]; Brian Clark [The Lake].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Dec 22, 2017

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss some unusual holiday breakfast specials, uses for the common cackleberry, what you get when you order a Sir Spam-a-lot, the nuanced protocols of diner coffee refills, a small relic from French class, how the cat responded to jalapeños, butter as colonial moisturizer, an explanation of the 5th dimension featuring pencils and portals, Christmas depression & other options for dealing with unbridled commercialism, a tiny harmonica necklace, a hellish trip to the food coop, a metaphor about radiators, social anxiety while shopping, the obvious benefits of breathing, oppositional attitudes that come up during labor, a few downsides to the miracle of birth, a truism about lying, working with water visualizations in and out of the bathroom, the exhaustion of too much Christmas, using trash bags instead of wrapping paper, a closer look at rabbits and house-training them, a few lame craft projects, a possible connection between pedophiles and Christmas music, Blakeman’s tractor-driving Santa, actual drone footage detailing acres of inflatable Santas, Emily’s slut-shaming of an oversized M&M, a brief review of narcissistic behavior, a psychological riddle, horrible self loathing brought on by trips to the hair stylist, tips on how to stop actively hating yourself, a controversial program to relocate homeless people, fake tramps, sleeping bag coats, a problem with window shoppers and car parts, how being nice to someone can restore your humanity - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Robert Resnik [O’Carolan Medley]; Nikki Matheson [Bells in the Air]; Katie Trautz & Kristina Stykos [Southwind].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Dec 15, 2017

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the late night guys, the switch to microphone four, a birthday of little note, nostalgia for the old sand pile, the logic of water towers, a shout-out to studs, the current state of Ariel’s generator, an enumeration of the undesirable attributes belonging to wood fired pizza, a sure-fire mood shifter relsqated to opera, new uses for Physio balls, sinister Santa, the failure of Dominick the Donkey song, more on lip syncing, when your friends post too many family photos, an elementary schooler’s holiday Mohawk, re-envisioning the Statue-of-Liberty, what happened before the phone tree was automated, a look forward to “thigh-lighting”, a party game with paper plates, writing books in your sleep, Butch’s new sweater & his fashion sense in general, a modest inheritance, how work might relate to unhappiness, more on a certain “grouchy little person”, a closer look at elves, another great way to ruin your life, the ease & coward’s path of arguing online, admiration for Courtney’s stilettos, Vermont’s lack of sidewalks, a fun scene from Ruth Porter’s book, the complexity of losing your shoe in the mud, the genealogy of mismatched socks, rubber vs. plastic totes, the mysterious, ongoing metamorphoses of gas stations, fond memories of Mobil’s Pegasus logo, feeling like a stupid human, kudos to a winter that’s seemingly “on-track” - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Turnip Truck [Cash on the Barrelhead]; Davey Davis [Honky Tonk Highway]; Bow Thayer [Fat Necklace].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Dec 8, 2017

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss the usefulness of ears, malleable vs. pliable, the old LB Bowen AKA “the Tunbridge Mall”, more on sock monkeys, a secret mailbox, how to leave chocolate chips in shoes, another look at costumes & closet space allocation, going deep into plastic tubs, cozies, sloppy clothes & flannel night gowns, imagining a world without sweat pants, “elastic wasteland”, a blatant coffee shop addiction, Manuel’s journey from cow to seat cover, a childhood of electrical appliance deprivation, superficial self-improvement tips, deciding who puts the mayonnaise away, additional details about the blind cat, rehearsing the arrival of fake Santa, financial impediments to adoption, a lame debunking of Mary, the horrific intersection of sex & little girl’s dance videos, overlay of attitudes onto dance moves, the architecture of allure, a few famous transvestite farmers, Butch’s cross-dressing protest, the perils of online feminism, the chopping block of change, control room optics, a sugar-sweetened name, a wicked spelling challenge, that queasy feeling when words look wrong, going “off-squash”, post-fair vegetable handouts, the hidden reasons for getting rid of voice mail, a sorry or sorry-not-sorry challenge, tips & warnings related to hiding your dysfunctions, the complex underpinnings of unnatural smiling, a short analysis of the word “smirk”, the joys of singing without being seen, going back to the woods - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Highwoods Stringband [Devilish Mary]; Your Actions Spoke Louder Than Words [Mark Struhsacker]; Val McCallum [Rarebird].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Dec 1, 2017

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss who’s listening, an impromptu tree cutting competition, a holiday “hanging baby” theme, the Barbie sleigh, the rites of cutting doll hair, strange bacteria-ridden reservoirs, the imagined genius of Mattel scientists, scary plastic chompers, a new practical application for White-Out, hateful teenagers, the ins and outs of internal bleeding, expired IUDs, the menopause conspiracy, the relationship between wild horses and your emotions, whether or not periods are disgusting, secrets of hat size revealed, learning how to be normal, rediscovering the many uses of laminating plastic, how to get on your happiness arousal, putting jockeys on draft horses, placing projects on a pedestal, a complaint about John’s unconditional love, losing the incentive to “look good”, when to let go of being “cute”, panic in front of the mirror, ageless aging, buying ten men’s shirts, analyzing the thrift store smell, the bad juju of Goodwill, understanding “pong”, looking for pockets of cellular perfection, uncovering your inner “bingo-wings”, a deep dive into Amazing Grace, strategies for swallowing horse pills, possibly finding appreciation for the hurdy-gurdy, whether or not Eli should be taught to warm up the car, the bygone days of learning “stick”, whistling noses & snorting, another mystery cat throw-up event, a joke about germs, how to fake laugh, perfecting the female “I’m harmless” laugh, the fine art of taking responsibility for the insensitivity of others - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Ariel Zevon [Digitize My Heart]; Robert Resnik [Copshawholme Fair]; Libby Kirkpatrick [Now].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Nov 24, 2017

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss buying candy by the bag, food as an answer to our problems, a flak jacket metaphor, kids throwing up in the car, the terrors of 5th grade dances, reflections on the law school parking lot during Thanksgiving break, conjecture about the cat, the great domestic book cleanse of 2017, going deep with a plethora of information on horsemanship, one man’s propensity for tearing the pages out of books, a possible future for John’s handmade postcards, telephone logs as works of art, pen hoarding, parsing the difference between DWI and DUI, the best kind of intoxication, an imagined invitation to Willy Nelson, thinking up other cool stuff, butt savers, praise for the generator low oil shut-off mechanism, too many gas cans, too few gas stations, toughing out the holidays, a bad joke about Netflix, scraping the barrel for good Christmas movies, doing craft work in bed, a cheesy Windsor, Vt. ghost story, connecting the spelling word dots, Emily’s off-the-cuff analysis of Kristina’s childhood, the return of the pint-sized fraternity mascot, mis-translations of the French word “esclave”, an update on the Schwan’s truck, debunking recent pronunciation changes for astrologers, choosing dreams over delusions, coming to an impasse, dragging Kendra into it, more on zits, remembering & appreciating well-behaved men, the complicity of bystanders, the deconstruction of a fallacy surrounding the phenomenon of male arousal, feigning sleep as an evasive maneuver - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Robert Bryant [Farther on Down the Line]; Michele Choiniere [Esclave a L'amour]; Davey Huckett [Emanuel Cathedral Montreal].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.

Episode Nov 17, 2017

In this episode co-hosts Kristina Stykos and Emily Howe discuss a great hat, solutions to life’s problems, a psychic prediction of falling firewood, taking a road trip alone, whether or not to like November, the appearance of a mysterious plastic facsimile of Ronald Reagan, making happy space at will, gum removal & public chewing, a cheese fantasy, over-thinking your illnesses, cultivating an exaggerated fear of flu, hairy moments with Pluto, pulling off the highway at the US candy bar capitol, an evil gas pump disaster, John’s questionable car, when waves overtop the ferry, a mini review of English slang, unfair spelling challenges, why your adult children hate the holidays and what to do about it, learning how not to ruffle feathers, the fallacies of Dinosaur Divorce, a short analysis of what insults are made of, refashioning Thanksgiving, eliminating neediness, a story about “Hair”, overdoing thankfulness, the particulars of Emily’s mutant nose, a visit to a hipster bowling alley-restaurant combination in Trumansburg NY, driving with a 91 year old, class issues at the Yacht Club, ponds vs. streams, when to wear your pajamas out in the world, more on the proper contents of & novel uses for chest freezers, a depressing realization about bird feeders, true confessions regarding long-winded guided visualizations, a spontaneous admonition to avoid complexity and simplify the brain’s work load - and so much more!

Featuring music from Vermont musicians & friends: Davey Davis [Hard Tellin’ Not Knowin’]; Carl Goulet [Greenville Trestle]; Spencer Lewis [To All Fathers Missed].

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts or Youtube, or tune in Fridays at 11 am to hear this show live on WFVR-FM South Royalton, Vermont 96.5 FM, streaming online and rebroadcast at Royalton Community Radio. Made possible in part by generous support from station sponsors Howvale Farm, The Tunbridge Grease Collective and the Mountain Folk Concert Series.